Indian mythology and Business Management_Part 1
This is the first part of an article series on Indian mythology and business management. Here in this article series, I have tried to share my takeaways from Devdutt Patnaik’s popular TV serial on CNBC 18: Business Sutra.
Devdutt Patnaik is an Indian mythologist, speaker, illustrator, and author who writes on the relevance of mythology in management, governance, and leadership. I came to know about Devdutt for the first time in 2014 from his TV serial called Devlok, where he explains Indian mythology and its interpretations through simple stories. Followed this, I discovered his TV serial on CNBC, which is power-packed with the knowledge to help you think differently from what we have used to/ have learned from western management science. He essentially gives frameworks based on Indian values and beliefs to manage and lead a business.
In this article, I’ll share what I have picked up from Devdutt Pattanik’s talk on the Indian way of doing business, how they are different from the West, and where these differences come from.
Corporation in the Indian context
The concept of a modern corporation was brought to India by East India company, and it emerged in the past century in Europe and America. Using the story of Alexander the Great’s encounter with a gymnosophist at the bank of the Indus…